Dr. Edward Cohen

Workers’ Compensation Doctor in Maryland

Edward Cohen, M.D. is a licensed doctor in Maryland whose practice involves conducting Independent Medical Evaluations (“IME”) in workers’ compensation cases.  My firm has had experience with Dr. Cohen providing IME reports in numerous cases at the request of workers’ compensation insurance companies.

Insurance company scheduled you for an IME with Dr. Edward Cohen?

As the injured worker, it is important to realize the possible implications of an IME that is scheduled by the insurance company.   In workers’ comp cases, insurers schedule IMEs for a number of reasons.  They may request that the doctor provide an opinion regarding the connection of an injury to the employment, or to recommend a course of future treatment.  Depending on the IME doctor’s opinion, an injured workers’ medical and disability benefits could be terminated, or the claim denied in its entirety.  The insurance company will rely on their IME even if it differs from the recommendations of your treating doctor.

Contact a Lawyer Now!

If the insurance company has scheduled you for an IME with Dr. Edward Cohen in your workers’ compensation case, you should strongly considering consulting an attorney.  If the insurance company is willing to spend its money on an IME, you know there are benefits on the line.  The insurance company’s goal is to pay as little as possible, whether in the form of medical expenses, or direct compensation to you.  To that end, they hand select the doctors that they use for IMEs.

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney will know how to best contest the insurer’s IME in order to maximize your recovery.  Click here to discuss your case with the Baltimore Comp Lawyer!

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